How do I plot two curves with two different axes

A user recently asked…
[su_quote]I was hoping you can give me some way that I can create a plot with two different vertical (Y axis) scaling. I want to plot Principle stress and applied load vs. time on the same plot.

I want to show the principle stress increments on the left side of the graph and the load scale on the right side of the graph. I can do this with some other programs but cannot find a way to do it in DATS for Windows.

Is this POSSIBLE?[/su_quote]

Here is how to get the desired graph:

  1. Display your Principle Stress graph and applied load graphs as  normal
  2. Double click the thumbnails to enlarge.
  3. Click in the principle stress graph
  4. Use Main menu bar ‘data->Overlay->Add from window’ option to overlay the Applied Load curve. This will overlay both curves.
  5. Use the Main menu bar ‘Data->Overlay->Configure..’ option to bring up the configure overlays dialog.
  6. Click the ‘Multiple Y Axis’ option.
  7. Tick the ‘Draw Y Axis to Right’ box
  8. Tick the ‘Individual Y Axis scales’ box.
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Dr Mike Donegan

Senior Software Engineer at Prosig
Mike graduated from the University of Southampton in 1979 and then went on to complete a PhD in Seismic Refraction Studies in 1982. Mike then joined Prosig as a special applications engineer. He spent forty years at Prosig, researching & developing new algorithms and assisting customers with data analysis issues, until his retirement in 2024.

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