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Prosig supply high channel count data acquisition system to new RAL Space NSTF facility

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The National Satellite Test Facility (NSTF) is a new facility in the United Kingdom for the environmental testing of complete satellites and large sub-assemblies. To be operated by RAL Space in Oxfordshire, the new facility is set to be completed by Spring 2021 and will contain the UK’s largest single combined facilities for Vibration, EMC / Antenna Range, Acoustic, Mass Property and Thermal testing.

The facility is primarily aimed at testing satellite hardware with payloads up to 7 tonnes and the combined facilities able to fully replicate the conditions and severity of all launch conditions. A pyro-shock test facility is also provided to simulate separation of the satellite from the launch vehicle adapter.

Dynamic Test Data Acquisition Systems

A key component of the test facilities is a high-speed multi-channel Dynamic Test Data Acquisition System. After an international competitive tender involving several specialist companies, a 512 channel Prosig system was selected by NTSF. The system comprises 2 x 256 channel sub-systems with four DATS-hyper12 chassis each, allowing two separate racks to be deployed on in different locations if required. The 24-bit acquisition channels accept Accelerometers, Microphone and Voltage parameters with both IEP and TEDS support.

The DATS-hyper12 is a rack-mount chassis which can be populated with a number of data acquisition and signal conditioning modules. Each rack is stand-alone with its own controller and data storage which provides an overall acquisition and storage rate in excess of 100kHz. Multiple units can be connected and synchronised together to a common clock signal, acting as a single, high channel-count system. The hyper12  at NTSF will provide the acquired data in a number of industry-standard file formats to allow easy export for post-processing by specialist third-party analysis and simulation packages used by different customers.

The hyper12 design philosophy provides for a highly flexible and modular system to suit a wide range of complex testing scenarios to meet the needs of the satellite industry.

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Chris' early love of computers & technology (Sinclair ZX80's, Commodore PETs & Apple ]['s) grew into a career in software development, product development, team leadership, web development, and marketing. He was General Manager at Prosig, part of CMTG, until June 2024. Chris graduated with an HND from Portsmouth Polytechnic and in 2019 completed an Executive MBA at the University of Winchester where he focused on innovation and strategy.

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