How Many Samples Per Revolution Are Required To Study A Particular Order

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When working in the synchronous/angle domain, how many samples per revolution are required to study a particular order.

To study the nth order we need 2*n samples per revolution.

For example, to study 45th order you have to have at least 90 points per shaft revolution.

So an encoder that had 90 pulses per revolution would enable you to study up to 45th order in the synchronous domain.

Further, you would only need one revolution of data to study every order up to 45, like 1, 2, 3 and so on.

However, to study half orders, like 0.5,1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and so on then 2 full revolutions of data is required.

Therefore, it follows that to study quarter orders like 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 and so on then 4 full revolutions of data is required.

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James Wren

Former Sales & Marketing Manager at Prosig
James Wren was Sales & Marketing Manager for Prosig Ltd until 2019. James graduated from Portsmouth University in 2001, with a Masters degree in Electronic Engineering. He is a Chartered Engineer and a registered Eur Ing. He has been involved with motorsport from a very early age with a special interest in data acquisition. James is a founder member of the Dalmeny Racing team.

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