Bearing & Gearbox Vibration Analysis Using Demodulation Techniques (Part 1)

Bearings and gearbox vibration are fundamental issues for rotating machines in many industrial applications. These are critical components; any failure can prove expensive in repair costs and downtime. Because of…

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How To Analyze Noise & Vibration In Rotating Machines

This article will look at the basic steps needed to measure noise & vibration in rotating machines. We won’t look in great detail at some of the techniques involved – we deal with these elsewhere on the blog. This material is suitable for a newcomer to the field who understands the basic concepts of noise & vibration analysis but has not dealt with rotating machinery before.


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Viewing Operational Deflection Shapes (ODS) from a Gas Turbine Generator

As its name suggests Operational Deflection Shape analysis shows the vibration pattern experienced during normal operational condition. This is different to other structural vibration tests such as impact hammer tests, bump tests or shaker tests which require a more controlled excitation force and are used to determine specific characteristics of the structure under test, such as natural or resonant frequencies.

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Bearing & Gearbox Vibration Analysis using Demodulation Techniques? (Part 2)

In our previous post on this subject we briefly looked at how we can use the detailed design information of bearings and gearboxes to look for specific fault conditions by collecting vibration information and analysing their frequency spectra. Amplitude modulation of the vibration signatures is common and we have seen how this causes side-bands to be present in the frequency domain.


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