Does Prosig hardware support strain gauges? And which types?
I’m often asked whether the Prosig systems support strain gauges. And what configuration of strain gauge bridges are supported? The answer is all types of all configurations. (more…)
I’m often asked whether the Prosig systems support strain gauges. And what configuration of strain gauge bridges are supported? The answer is all types of all configurations. (more…)
The cable resistance can be a significant factor in the accuracy of the overall measurement. It is very important indeed to consider this point. Prosig software allows the cable resistance…
There are so many types of accelerometer that is often difficult to know what type of accelerometer to use. An IEPE accelerometer will have a high pass filter at about 5Hz. The charge type will, by it’s nature have what is effectively a high pass filter at about 0.1Hz. Therefore neither type will show DC levels. The charge type will usually have a lower frequency bandwidth than the IEPE type. Charge accelerometers can be used at higher temperatures however. (more…)