Exporting DATS datasets in non-linear format

The following tutorial shows in detail how to use Prosig DATS to export data in a non-linear format.

DATS stores all data in linear format. When you export data you are exporting the raw stored data. Therefore, to export data in a non-linear fashion we must convert the data to non-linear scale (dB for our example) and then export to the desired format, in this case CSV. (more…)

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There are tachometer signals available on the vehicle CAN-bus. Can I use these signals instead of connecting my own tachometer signal?

A simple question should have a simple answer and that answer is “No”.

As usual, however, life is never that simple. (more…)

Continue ReadingThere are tachometer signals available on the vehicle CAN-bus. Can I use these signals instead of connecting my own tachometer signal?

Don’t Let Spikes Spoil Your Data

In many real-world applications it is impossible to avoid “spikes” or “dropouts” in data that we record. Many people assume that these only cause problems with their data if they become obvious. This is not always the case. Consider the following two time histories.


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