Example of performing a Moving Average

This tutorial guides a DATS user through the steps required to perform a moving average on a given signal. The tutorial explains the concept of the ‘Integration Length’ and the ‘Output Interval Step’.

Initially a signal is required to perform the moving average on. In this tutorial a sine wave will be generated. A sine wave is generated using the parameters shown in Figure 1.

Parameters for creating a sine wave
Figure 1 : Parameters for creating a sine wave


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The Intelligent Way To Sort, Extract & Analyze Signals

This note is based on a real requirement presented to Prosig by a prospective user. It’s the sort of challenge that we relish. This case is a great example of a real-world signal processing requirement and also great test of some of the unique features of Prosig’s DATS software. It also shows the power and flexibility of the new DATS V7.0 worksheets.


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