PROTOR Redhat: Installation and setup of Apache web server

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In order to run the Apache web server on a system you will firstly need to install the suitable RPM using a command of the form:

rpm --install --nodeps --replacefiles --replacepkgs  apache-1.3.23-11.i386.rpm

Installation of the RPM creates the binary


and the setup and configuration directory


the default access directories


and the service startup,stop and restart script



The main configuration of apache is controlled by the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. The most probable options which will need changing are likely to be :


The root directory for all files to be accessed is defined. By default this is set to /var/www/html


A number of aliases may be created ( relative to DocumentRoot) these are typically cgi-bin and icons. A further alias for images is often useful.


A number of <Directory> </Directory> blocks are included to define access information associated with individual directories. For each directory block a number of options may be defined. Options which often need adding are :

     ExecCGI          to enable execution of cgi scripts especially
                      for directory /var/www/cgi-bin
     FollowSymLinks   to follow symbolic links. Again needed for
                      /var/www/cgi-bin if CGI scripts are links to
                      pl files.


You can startup the server using the command

service httpd start

User Files

A simple way of accessing a users set of files is to create a directory within the users directory such as :


and then to create a link to this directory from within the document root.

      cd /var/www/html
      ln -s /home/protor/website protor

You may then access any user files by starting a web browser and pointing to the URL:

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Don Davies

Applications Group Manager at Prosig
Don Davies graduated from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) at Southampton University in 1979. Don specialises in the capture and analysis of vibration data from rotating machines such as power station turbine generators. He created and developed the PROTOR system and is Applications Group Manager at Prosig. Don is a member of the British Computer Society.

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