When should I use the ground connection on my P8000 data acquisition system?

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The ground connection should be used if an issue has been observed in measured data, such as significant electricity supply (50Hz or 60Hz) distortion or significant noise.

It must be attached it to a very good earth point (like a steel pipe or foundation)

It should be noted that sometimes connecting the ground cable to earth can actually make matters worse. It depends on the situation.

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James Wren

Former Sales & Marketing Manager at Prosig
James Wren was Sales & Marketing Manager for Prosig Ltd until 2019. James graduated from Portsmouth University in 2001, with a Masters degree in Electronic Engineering. He is a Chartered Engineer and a registered Eur Ing. He has been involved with motorsport from a very early age with a special interest in data acquisition. James is a founder member of the Dalmeny Racing team.

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