PROTOR Redhat: Installation and setup of Apache web server


In order to run the Apache web server on a system you will firstly need to install the suitable RPM using a command of the form:

rpm --install --nodeps --replacefiles --replacepkgs  apache-1.3.23-11.i386.rpm


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PROTOR Redhat Note: Setup of ATI Rage 128 Graphics Card

There appeared to be problems when using the ATI Rage 128 graphics card in a Redhet 7.3 system. The problem manifested itself as screen corruption when exitting the Window Manager. This happened if using FVWM or KDE Window Managers. The corruption appeared to get progressively worse with each log off.


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PROTOR Redhat : Installing XDM

By default the RedHat 7.2 installation uses the GNOME Display Manager GDM or possibly the KDE Display Manager KDM. Both these Display Managers are very powerful and allow users to select the type of session to start ( such as GNOME or KDE ). There are also options and menus to shutdown or reboot the system. For a PROTOR installation where we want to control the users session then using the basic XFree86 display manager XDM is preferable.


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PROTOR Note : Booting Linux using NT Loader

In some configuration it may be required or desirable for Linux and Window NT to co-exist on the same system. Presuming Windows NT has been initially installed then the system will boot through the Windows NT Boot Loader. Assuming that a Linux system has been added to a spare partition or additional disk then the requirement is to add an option to the NT Boot Loader such that either Windows NT or Linux may be booted.


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