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Prosig Will be Attending the National Conference on Condition Monitoring (NCCM) 2013 in Bangalore

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A two day National conference NCCM2013 is being jointly organized by GTRE, Bangalore and Condition Monitoring Society of India-CMSI on 4-5 October 2013 at JRD Tata Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

As a part of CMSI’s endeavor to bring out the growing importance and recent trends in condition monitoring, a two day National Conference on Condition Monitoring (NCCM-2013) is being organized in association with Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Bangalore during Oct. 4-5, 2013 with an emphasis on high speed turbomachinery application. It is expected that a significant number experts/practicing engineers from various organizations, institutes and industries will participate in this conference.

The conference provides a common platform for interaction on the state of the art technology on condition monitoring strategies. It provides an opportunity to deliberate on latest trends in the field of condition monitoring. This would immensely benefit the maintenance engineers, R&D professionals, academicians and students.

Prosig will be attending the conference and there will be an opportunity to see Prosig measurement systems in action. If you at the conference why not come and meet the Prosig team.

You can find details of the conference here.

About Conditioning Monitoring Society of India

Condition Monitoring Society of IndiaCondition Monitoring Society of India (CMSI) was established in the year 2003 with an intention to promote and emphasize the importance of condition monitoring in industrial maintenance. The Society intends to disseminate the latest trends in Condition Monitoring to the professionals/practicing engineers/ plant engineers by way of conducting conferences and workshops from time to time. The society also intends to be a common platform for condition monitoring professionals to share their experiences and expertise. The society publishes a news letter ‘MONITOR’ to keep the members
abreast of the developments in the field. The society has grown rapidly by setting up local chapters of the society at different places all over India.

About GTRE, Bangalore

GTRE BangaloreThe Gas Turbine Research Establishment is one of the pioneering Research and Development laboratory of DRDO under Ministry of Defense, Government of India. The charter of the establishment is to design and develop gas turbine engine for aerospace and marine applications. GTRE has setup state-of-art test facilities to characterize the components and also undertake full scale testing in normally aspirated and High pressure and Temperature condition. In addition, GTRE is responsible for establishing the requisite testing and prototype manufacturing facility for components and full scale engine.

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