You are currently viewing 10 Educational Mechanical Engineering Videos

10 Educational Mechanical Engineering Videos

We’ve had a good look around YouTube and dug up a great collection of educational mechanical engineering videos. There’s a wide range of information here from simple maths tutorial to explanations of the inner workings of the internal combustion engine. We hope you enjoy watching and if you have any favorites of your own please drop a comment in the box at the bottom of the page.

1. Gas Turbine Animation

Nice animation and explanation of the workings of a gas turbine [Edit: video link changed after first became unavailble]

2. Discrete Time Signals Lecture

This particular lecture is chosen slightly at random from a massive selection of videos on this channel. Check out the full set on the YouTube page at

3. The Fourier Transform

A good, short explanation of the Fourier Transform. It’s always good to remind oneself of the fundamentals!

4. Strain Gage Tutorial

A great tutorial explaining how to attach a strain gauge to an aluminum plate.

5. Sampling rate, Nyquist Frequency and Aliasing

A short, sharp and to the point illustrated example of aliasing and the Nyquist Frequency.

6. How a Differential Works

A really cool, retro 1930’s information film on how a differential works. Stick with it there is a point to the motorcycles at the start!

7 How a Wind Turbine Works

A quick explanation of how a wind turbine generates electricity.

8. 4-Cycle Internal Combustion Engine

A great how-it-works video explaining the workings of the 4-stroke engine

9. The doppler effect and red shift-a beginners guide

Another good explanation of a fundamental principle

10. How Fuel Cells Work

Nice explanation of advantages and challenges of fuel cells

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Chris' early love of computers & technology (Sinclair ZX80's, Commodore PETs & Apple ]['s) grew into a career in software development, product development, team leadership, web development, and marketing. He was General Manager at Prosig, part of CMTG, until June 2024. Chris graduated with an HND from Portsmouth Polytechnic and in 2019 completed an Executive MBA at the University of Winchester where he focused on innovation and strategy.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Ya


    Brilliant collection. Would definitely ‘entertain’ the students. I will consider making use of some of them.




    Good…Keep it up Guys…Vivid presentation of complex concepts…Expecting a lot more…

  3. vinay

    good collection for engineering and science students. This will spur them to search more about these topics. Hope we see more such for mechatronics and control engineering..

  4. Alice Taylor

    I really enjoyed these videos, it definitely made me think a bit more about the different ways of applying engineering.

  5. Samantha L.

    @ Alice Taylor

    I couldn’t agree more. The videos were perfectly made for a person who is new to mechanical engineering.

  6. Andrew

    I could definitely use some of these to spark ideas/ways of thinking for new employees…very intriguing…thank you.

  7. Margaret Sokol

    Well, good collection for engineering and science students. This will spur them to search more about these topics. Hope we see more such for mechanics and control engineering.

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