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Understanding & Measuring Noise

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There are many reasons to measure and analyze noise. It may relate to legislation or regulations that limit noise in certain environments, we could be using the noise to investigate a related issue or maybe simply improving the noise of a vehicle or other product.

Prosig are experts in measuring and analyzing noise. Follow the links below to find out about a few of the basics of measuring noise and read about some practical, real world examples of noise analysis.

First, let us consider a few theoretical aspects of the measurement and analysis process…

What Are dB, Noise Floor & Dynamic Range? by James Wren

Most engineers are probably familiar with the decibel (or dB) as a unit of measurement. Its most common use is in the field of acoustics. However, as will be explained in this article, it is also useful for a wide variety of measurements such as electronics and communications. read more 

A, B & C Weighting by Dr Colin Mercer

Some devices, particularly digital tape recorders, apply A-weighting to all their data in order to achieve acceptable data compression. This is fine unless you want to analyse the unweighted data or apply a different weighting factor. read more

Interpretation of the Articulation Index by Dr Colin Mercer

The Articulation Index or AI gives a measure of the intelligibility of hearing speech in a given noise environment. The metric was originally developed in 1949 in order to give a single value that categorised the speech intelligibility of a communication system. read more

What is the difference between microphone types? by James Wren

We are often asked what is the difference between free field microphones, diffuse field microphones and pressure microphones. For a run-of-the-mill ½ inch microphone the short answer is nothing. read more

Why is the microphone pressure reference 2*10-5 Pascals? by Dr Colin Mercer

This seemingly simple question is actually quite fundamental.  To answer the question we need to consider sound intensity. read more


Now we will look at some more practical examples of how we measure and analyze noise…

A Simple Engine Noise Test by James Wren

A simple noise test carried out on a Formula Ford racing car read more

How To Analyze Noise & Vibration In Rotating Machines by Chris Mason

In this article we will look at the basic steps behind a simple rotating machinery study. After reading this article you may be interested in the accompanying video –Video: Noise & Vibration From Rotating Machines – which shows the analysis steps in more detail read more

Measuring Exhaust Noise by James Wren

The following note describes the refinement of an automotive exhaust muffler design for a major after-market exhaust manufacturer in Europe. read more

Analysing Noise From a Power Steering Pump by Dr Colin Mercer

The requirement was to develop a ‘standard’ test for assessing the sound quality of power steering pumps in vehicles. Measurements needed to be objective so that the method would be suitable for evaluating dissimilar vehicles and different types of pump. read more

Do You Need To Measure Brake Noise? by Chris Mason

The objective of the brake noise tests was to record the braking events of cars being driven on various types of road and classify those events according to their type (Groan, Creep or Squeal etc) and severity. read more

Developing an Algorithm for Detecting Ticking Noise by Adrian Lincoln

An investigation was made of a sample of automotive components where some were exhibiting a high frequency “tick” or rattle during each operating cycle. read more

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Chris' early love of computers & technology (Sinclair ZX80's, Commodore PETs & Apple ]['s) grew into a career in software development, product development, team leadership, web development, and marketing. He was General Manager at Prosig, part of CMTG, until June 2024. Chris graduated with an HND from Portsmouth Polytechnic and in 2019 completed an Executive MBA at the University of Winchester where he focused on innovation and strategy.

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