Rotor Runout Measurement

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Prosig’s DATS Software includes an optional add-on package for rotor runout measurement. Runout may consist of two components – Mechanical Runout and Electrical Runout. You can read more about runout on here – Rotor Runout Measurement.

We are often asked exactly what analysis and information is included  The purpose of this post is to show some of the screens and reports from the Rotor Runout Measurement package. So here goes…

Example display of Runout trace for single LVDT probe showing Mechanical Runout
Figure 1: Example display of Runout trace for single LVDT probe showing Mechanical Runout

The following screenshot (Figure 2) shows comparison of runout traces. Maybe from different locations or same location but from different times.  It could also be from different rotors.

One trace could also be the difference between the other two, for example the difference between a trace measured from an eddy current probe and one from an LVDT probe, the mechanical runout, would produce a trace representing the Electrical Runout. In this example the red trace is from an LVDT and the blue from an eddy probe. The resultant difference is shown as the black trace which represents the electrical runout.

Shows comparison of runout traces. Maybe from different locations or same location but from different times.  Could also be from different Rotors.
Figure 2: Shows comparison of runout traces. Maybe from different locations or same location but from different times. Could also be from different Rotors.


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Chris' early love of computers & technology (Sinclair ZX80's, Commodore PETs & Apple ]['s) grew into a career in software development, product development, team leadership, web development, and marketing. He was General Manager at Prosig, part of CMTG, until June 2024. Chris graduated with an HND from Portsmouth Polytechnic and in 2019 completed an Executive MBA at the University of Winchester where he focused on innovation and strategy.

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