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Prosig Announce New Braking Analysis Tools

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Prosig are pleased to announce the launch of two new tools to assist engineers in the measurement and analysis of noise and vibration issues in braking systems.

Controlling noise and vibration from brakes is crucial to subjective customer satisfaction and problems of this type are one of the biggest contributors to warranty costs. Therefore, it is important to be able to accurately and quickly measure and analyze the various phenomena that can cause problems. In addition to all the standard NVH & Refinement tools that Prosig provide, there are now two specific products to address the needs of braking engineers.

Brake Noise Evaluation System

The Brake Noise Evaluation System enables a vehicle to be instrumented using microphones, accelerometers and thermocouples. The vehicle is then driven around a test course. This could be either a purpose built test facility or a specific route on public roads. The system is based on the popular Prosig P8020 hardware platform and uses software from the DATS Toolbox.

A P8020 24-bit data acquisition system

The system can be configured to automatically detect brake events using sophisticated triggers such as energy exceedance in a particular frequency band. Additionally, the driver or another vehicle occupant can manually highlight noise events. Whether triggered automatically or manually each event is captured with a specified amount of pre-trigger to allow later analysis. A common problem associated with this type of test, which can last several hours and requires a high capture rate for audio data, is the amount of data produced. The Prosig system cleverly overcomes this by continuously capturing data at a slower rate for logging purposes, but then switching to a higher rate to capture brake noise events. In this way, all of the events of interest are stored on disk ready for analysis with the DATS Toolbox software. The system is also equipped with Prosig’s CAN-bus/GPS card. This enables the analysis to be further qualified using information available on the vehicle data bus and with positional information from GPS.

Brake Disc Runout & DTV System

A sample DTV/runout report

The second new package is the Brake Disc Runout & DTV System. This system is designed to provide accurate and repeatable measurement of disc thickness variation and runout of a brake disc. Excessive DTV or runout can both cause their own unique problems in a braking system and so it is important to be able to precisely measure both of them. The Prosig system consists of a Prosig P8012 data acquisition system connected to six displacement probes that measure the disc at three position along a radius. The information from these probes is recorded as the disc rotates and thus an accurate assessment can be made. Analysis and automatic reports are preformed by the DATS software.

Follow the links below to discover more about these exciting new products…

Brake Noise Evaluation System

Brake Disc Runout & DTV System

Visit the Prosig Product Page to find out about the other innovative noise and vibration measurement solutions that Prosig have to offer. Or email for more details.

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Specialists in systems for acoustic and vibration measurement, analysis, and testing within the automotive, aerospace, defence, manufacturing, and power industries. The company designs and develops its own products and its engineers have decades of experience in solving real-world noise and vibration problems for major organizations throughout the world.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nanni Pedrazzo

    Just to keep yo informed that the page of “Brake Noise Evaluation System” is …not avaliable!!!

    1. Prosig

      Dear Nanni, thank you for the feedback. The link must have got missed when we last redesigned the website. It has now been corrected. Thank you.

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