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2013 Prosig / Portsmouth University Prize Awarded

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The 2013 Annual Prosig Prize for Engineering at Portsmouth University has been awarded to Peter Thompson for his project “Vibration Analysis of Aircraft Structures (Airframe)”. Peter completed his study at the School of Engineering this year. His project was supervised by Dr Andrew Little. Peter’s project poster is shown below (click for a larger view).

Vibration Analysis of Aircraft Structures (Airframe)
Peter’s Project Day poster for Vibration Analysis of Aircraft Structures (Airframe)

The aim of the project was to investigate the theoretical and practical vibration performance of models of helicopter tail cones. To achieve this Peter created scale models of the tail cone and performed hammer impact tests on them. He then compared this to modelled data of the same component.

The assessment team from Prosig was particularly impressed with how Peter had handled the problems and challenges of the work. It was obvious that a great deal of consideration had gone into the conclusions made from the testing and simulation.

Peter with his Prosig certificate
Peter with his Prosig certificate

Prosig would like to congratulate Peter on his work and wish him every success in his future career.

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Chris' early love of computers & technology (Sinclair ZX80's, Commodore PETs & Apple ]['s) grew into a career in software development, product development, team leadership, web development, and marketing. He was General Manager at Prosig, part of CMTG, until June 2024. Chris graduated with an HND from Portsmouth Polytechnic and in 2019 completed an Executive MBA at the University of Winchester where he focused on innovation and strategy.

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