Posts from DJB about accelerometers

How to avoid a ground loop – It’s not only a problem with accelerometers

When using modern, high technology measurement devices one can often be tripped up by the simplest things. The most common is the ground loop. Time and again this issue rears…

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What Type of Accelerometer Should I Use? IEPE, Charge or Bridge-based?

What type of accelerometer should I use? What are the advantages/disadvantages of a charge mode accelerometer, an IEPE accelerometer and a bridge based accelerometer?

There are so many types of accelerometer that is often difficult to know what type of accelerometer to use. An IEPE accelerometer will have a high pass filter at about 5Hz. The charge type will, by it’s nature have what is effectively a high pass filter at about 0.1Hz. Therefore neither type will show DC levels. The charge type will usually have a lower frequency bandwidth than the IEPE type. Charge accelerometers can be used at higher temperatures however. (more…)

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