Strain Gauge Basics – Part 2 – Shunt Calibration

As mentioned in the previous post, in order to relate the measured voltage difference across the bridge circuit to a strain measurement, we need a way of calibrating the system. In most systems, including the Prosig acquisition systems, this is done by including a high-precision shunt resistor across one of the legs in the bridge. For example, the following diagram shows a quarter-bridge circuit with a shunt calibration resistor, RS, across the bridge completion resistor R2.

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Bearing & Gearbox Vibration Analysis Using Demodulation Techniques (Part 1)

Bearings and gearbox vibration are fundamental issues for rotating machines in many industrial applications. These are critical components; any failure can prove expensive in repair costs and downtime. Because of…

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The Spectrum of Coloured Noise: Beyond White and Pink – Applications and Historical Context

Introduction The auditory world around us is filled with various types of noise, and while some are simply distracting or annoying, others serve practical purposes. You're probably familiar with the…

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Read more about the article Analysis of Dynamic Engine Vibration – Angular Vibration in High Performance Engines
titanium and steel gears and cogwheels

Analysis of Dynamic Engine Vibration – Angular Vibration in High Performance Engines

The analysis of dynamic engine vibration and the accurate measurement of angular vibration is a non-trivial task, as a more in-depth analysis of boundary conditions reveals. Tools for engine vibration…

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Read more about the article Using Source Contribution Analysis to analyze complex structural dynamics issues
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Using Source Contribution Analysis to analyze complex structural dynamics issues

Using Source Contribution Analysis (SCA) and Structural Animation (STA) in the DATS software for the analysis of complex structural dynamics This post uses Source Contribution Analysis (SCA) techniques and a…

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Read more about the article Analysis of Airflow Instabilities in HVAC units
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Analysis of Airflow Instabilities in HVAC units

HVAC (Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning) units are devices used in various applications, such as cars, buildings, aircraft etc. They facilitate the transport and conditioning (heating, cooling, changing of humidity) of…

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How to avoid a ground loop – It’s not only a problem with accelerometers

When using modern, high technology measurement devices one can often be tripped up by the simplest things. The most common is the ground loop. Time and again this issue rears…

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Read more about the article Seismic Qualification Testing (Part 1)
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Seismic Qualification Testing (Part 1)

Seismic Qualification Testing for US Nuclear Power Generating Stations Part 1 (Random Vibration Testing) The nuclear power industry in North America (USA, Canada & Mexico) requires seismic qualification testing for…

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