Any tutorials for analysis, acquisition, PROTOR etc

Strain Gauge Basics – Part 2 – Shunt Calibration

As mentioned in the previous post, in order to relate the measured voltage difference across the bridge circuit to a strain measurement, we need a way of calibrating the system. In most systems, including the Prosig acquisition systems, this is done by including a high-precision shunt resistor across one of the legs in the bridge. For example, the following diagram shows a quarter-bridge circuit with a shunt calibration resistor, RS, across the bridge completion resistor R2.

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Rotating Machinery Vibration Analysis: Keeping Your Machines Humming Along

[An Introduction To Vibration Analysis – Part 5] Welcome to Part 5 of our ongoing introduction to the world of vibration and acoustic measurement and analysis. Here, we look specifically…

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Vibration Control and Isolation: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers

[An Introduction To Vibration Analysis – Part 4] Welcome to the fourth part of our ongoing introduction to the world of vibration and acoustic measurement and analysis. In this post,…

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The Spectrum of Coloured Noise: Beyond White and Pink – Applications and Historical Context

Introduction The auditory world around us is filled with various types of noise, and while some are simply distracting or annoying, others serve practical purposes. You're probably familiar with the…

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Vibration Measurement Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

[An Introduction To Vibration Analysis - Part 2] Introduction This post on vibration measurement techniques is the second in our series, introducing vibration analysis. Future posts will continue the exploration…

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Basics of Vibration Analysis: A Technical Dive

[An Introduction To Vibration Analysis - Part 1] Introduction For professionals delving into the worlds of automotive, aerospace, or industrial engineering, vibrations are not just mere oscillations; they're a symphony…

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Example of performing a Moving Average

This tutorial guides a DATS user through the steps required to perform a moving average on a given signal. The tutorial explains the concept of the ‘Integration Length’ and the ‘Output Interval Step’.

Initially a signal is required to perform the moving average on. In this tutorial a sine wave will be generated. A sine wave is generated using the parameters shown in Figure 1.

Parameters for creating a sine wave
Figure 1 : Parameters for creating a sine wave


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Creating Order Plots Using The DATS Rotating Machinery Software

In this tutorial we will be creating order plots using waterfall and intensity displays using use the DATS.toolbox and Rotating Machinery Analysis option.

To begin, a noise, vibration or other signal of interest should be captured along with a tachometer signal.

In Figure 1 we have loaded a time series (in this case an acceleration signal) and a time series of a tachometer pulse train into the DATS software.


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What is waterfall frequency spacing? And how does the DATS parameter ‘Requested Frequency Spacing’ work?

Let us try to understand what waterfall frequency spacing is. Waterfall frequency spacing is the gap between spectral lines in an FFT plot.

For example, if you had an analysis frequency of 0Hz to 100Hz and 100 spectral lines, then Frequency Spacing is 1Hz.

So why is there a ‘Requested Frequency Spacing’ and an ‘Actual Frequency Spacing’? (more…)

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What is “waterfall smearing”?

When analysing a waterfall or performing order analysis it is important to consider the frequency resolution or the frequency spacing.

There is often a desire to increase the resolution to finer and finer detail. But that is a process of diminishing returns, and actually fraught with danger. And that danger is waterfall smearing. (more…)

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