Is it possible to connect the BNC outer to ground when using a P8000?

A question was recently posed regarding the grounding conditions of a BNC type input. The shield or outer of a BNC cable or connector is not connected to the chassis or ground. What would happen if it was connected to ground?

Differential (more…)

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Creating calculated signals with DATS Acquisition

Case Study: What can I do if the transducer I am using has a non-linear sensitivity over its measuring range?


Recently a PROSIG user wanted to measure a specific temperature parameter on a running engine. The transducer being used was one of the engine sensors built into the engine operating system to minimize engine emissions and maximize fuel economy. Unfortunately, the sensitivity of this transducer was not constant over the desired temperature range. The question then became, how can the output from this non-linear transducer be used to accurately measure the desired temperature parameter? (more…)

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How do I perform vibration analysis on a cylinder head and inlet manifold?

We were asked the following question…

I want to perform some cylinder head and inlet manifold vibration analysis, what should I do?

First we need to consider sensor selection (more…)

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New Hammer Impact Software – Preview coming soon

After listening to customer feedback, we have completely re-engineered the DATS Hammer Impact software. The new version will ship with the next DATS update (not the soon-to-be-released V7.0.23). In the meantime you will be able to download and preview the new package. You will of course need a P8000 system and a DATS licence with the Hammer Impact option enabled. (more…)

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Why does Auto-Zero have no effect for IEPE sensors?

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The Prosig P8000 Auto-Zero function is used to remove the DC content of a signal.

For example, if you have a sine wave that is ±5 volts about 0 volts it has no DC offset. But if you have a sine wave with ±5 volt amplitude about 3 volts, then it has a 3 volt DC offset. Below is an example of these two sinewaves.

Two sine waves with and without DC offset


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Should I use 50 Ohm or 75 Ohm cables with a Prosig P8000 system?

BNC CableUsing 50? or 75? cable will not have any negative effects on the P8000 at all. (Generally speaking, only large voltages will damage the P8000). The impedance of the cable can only ever effect the signal the cable is carrying. (more…)

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There are tachometer signals available on the vehicle CAN-bus. Can I use these signals instead of connecting my own tachometer signal?

A simple question should have a simple answer and that answer is “No”.

As usual, however, life is never that simple. (more…)

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Automatic Tacho Processing Using A Prosig P8000

The digital tacho channel in a P8000 system offers better time resolution by dividing the main sample period by 16. However it is sometimes difficult to know what level the threshold should be set to so a facility to help you find the optimum level has now been added to the acquisition software. (more…)

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