Strain Gauge Basics – Part 2 – Shunt Calibration

As mentioned in the previous post, in order to relate the measured voltage difference across the bridge circuit to a strain measurement, we need a way of calibrating the system. In most systems, including the Prosig acquisition systems, this is done by including a high-precision shunt resistor across one of the legs in the bridge. For example, the following diagram shows a quarter-bridge circuit with a shunt calibration resistor, RS, across the bridge completion resistor R2.

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Bearing & Gearbox Vibration Analysis Using Demodulation Techniques (Part 1)

Bearings and gearbox vibration are fundamental issues for rotating machines in many industrial applications. These are critical components; any failure can prove expensive in repair costs and downtime. Because of…

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Rotating Machinery Vibration Analysis: Keeping Your Machines Humming Along

[An Introduction To Vibration Analysis – Part 5] Welcome to Part 5 of our ongoing introduction to the world of vibration and acoustic measurement and analysis. Here, we look specifically…

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Vibration Control and Isolation: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers

[An Introduction To Vibration Analysis – Part 4] Welcome to the fourth part of our ongoing introduction to the world of vibration and acoustic measurement and analysis. In this post,…

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Vibration Measurement Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

[An Introduction To Vibration Analysis - Part 2] Introduction This post on vibration measurement techniques is the second in our series, introducing vibration analysis. Future posts will continue the exploration…

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Basics of Vibration Analysis: A Technical Dive

[An Introduction To Vibration Analysis - Part 1] Introduction For professionals delving into the worlds of automotive, aerospace, or industrial engineering, vibrations are not just mere oscillations; they're a symphony…

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How To Analyze Noise & Vibration In Rotating Machines

This article will look at the basic steps needed to measure noise & vibration in rotating machines. We won’t look in great detail at some of the techniques involved – we deal with these elsewhere on the blog. This material is suitable for a newcomer to the field who understands the basic concepts of noise & vibration analysis but has not dealt with rotating machinery before.


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Measure Vibration – Should we use Acceleration, Velocity or Displacement?

When using vibration data, especially in conjunction with modelling systems, the measured data is often needed as an acceleration, as a velocity and as a displacement. Sometimes different analysis groups require the measured signals in a different form. Clearly, it is impractical to measure all three at once even if we could. Physically it is nigh on impossible to put three different types of transducer in the same place.

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Read more about the article Analysis of Dynamic Engine Vibration – Angular Vibration in High Performance Engines
titanium and steel gears and cogwheels

Analysis of Dynamic Engine Vibration – Angular Vibration in High Performance Engines

The analysis of dynamic engine vibration and the accurate measurement of angular vibration is a non-trivial task, as a more in-depth analysis of boundary conditions reveals. Tools for engine vibration…

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Read more about the article Using Source Contribution Analysis to analyze complex structural dynamics issues
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Using Source Contribution Analysis to analyze complex structural dynamics issues

Using Source Contribution Analysis (SCA) and Structural Animation (STA) in the DATS software for the analysis of complex structural dynamics This post uses Source Contribution Analysis (SCA) techniques and a…

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Read more about the article Analysis of Airflow Instabilities in HVAC units
Vehicle AC

Analysis of Airflow Instabilities in HVAC units

HVAC (Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning) units are devices used in various applications, such as cars, buildings, aircraft etc. They facilitate the transport and conditioning (heating, cooling, changing of humidity) of…

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